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About Us

We believe in making a positive impact on the world and are constantly searching for products and companies that align with our values. Our principles revolve around promoting sustainability in every aspect of your life, whether it's at home, in the office, or anywhere in between.

Responsible Stewardship of our Earth's Resources through Conscientious Purchasing of Everyday Business, Home, School, and Garden Supplies.

Dolphin Blue is a certified B Corporation based in Dallas, TX, FOUNDED in 1994 by Thomas Kemper on the belief we can all be responsible in what we use. Our products contain, at minimum, 10% post-consumer recycled material whenever possible (material used by you or another concerned individual, recycled through an office or home recycling collection program, used in the manufacturing of a new product, or re-processed to its current state), or, if having no recycled content, are sustainably manufactured to environmental standards exceeding the standards of competitive products. In all cases, products offered by Dolphin Blue are manufactured with a minimal carbon footprint.

We can all do business in a manner that conserves our resources, and it doesn't have to cost more. Dolphin Blue is committed to making that goal easier and affordable for all of us.  Switching to our products is simple and affordable!

Dolphin Blue supports initiatives that foster education and awareness in issues of sustainability, energy alternatives, organic agriculture, reducing waste, and using less stuff. As such, we are honored to be associated with organizations such as B Corporation, American Sustainable Business Council,, EPA Green Power Partner, Chlorine Free Products Association, Green Source DFW, and the Voluntary Renewable Energy Coalition.

Every item offered by Dolphin Blue is environmentally responsible and most items offered by Dolphin Blue are made in the USA.  We strive to offer only items manufactured in the USA to minimize the carbon footprint and to sustain a healthy and vibrant US economy.


To serve as your trusted source of the world’s most environmentally and socially responsible products - to assure your well being and a healthy, sustainable planet.


We respect your right to privacy...

We at Dolphin Blue understand that in today's commerce-driven globe, information is valuable, and of utmost importance to us is your privacy. Your information is YOUR private property.

Any information you provide while making a transaction on our site is encrypted and secure.